Arizer Solo Vaporizer - Helpful Tips and Techniques
We consider the Arizer Solo Vaporizer to be the acme of portable vaporizer technology. While it is a little heavy, you really can’t compete with the ease of draw and the strength of the vapor that is generated. However, if you’re new to vaporizers, you may encounter a couple of issues when attempting to use your Arizer Solo.
One of the questions that people often ask us when they first get a Solo is “Why can’t I attach the draw stem?”
This is by design. When Arizer first made the Solo, the initial models had a very loose heating chamber, so that the draw stem would not fit snugly into the heating unit. While it was easy to assemble, it was impractical because vapor would seep through the sides and sometimes herb would spill out as well. In the newer models that have been on the market for the past year or so, the heating chamber has a hard plastic liner around the inset so you have to use a little bit of elbow grease to twist the draw stem into place. Be slow, but firm while twisting the stem into the unit and it will engage and sit tightly in place no matter what angle you hold the vaporizer.
Another common question we receive is “Can I use the Solo with essential oils?”
The short answer to that is: NO.
Arizer has yet to create an oil chamber for the Solo and you will ruin your device if you try.
Finally people also ask us “What’s the ideal temperature for vaporizing with the Arizer Solo?”
This is really a matter of user preference. However Vaporizer-Review recommends that users start out with a low setting like 1 or 2 and see what effect that creates, then move up from there. We prefer setting 5 because any higher and the hits are kind of harsh.
If you’re interested in buying an Arizer Solo or replacement parts, we recommend this online store as our preferred portable vape distributor.
My first and only vaporizer I have used. I feel like I got lucky with this purchase. Usually your first product for whatever kind of use its for, is not always the best.
Using oils inst a big deal. With something like this, dry herbs work a lot better.
Yes, I have noticed oils work better with pen-styles. The Arizer is a portable unit as well but unlike all the other pen-styles it offers better heating control.
I vape a lot of concentrates and noticed that the Arizer Solo vaporizer is actually more efficient than the pen vaporizers if you apply the proper techniques. I use some ABV and make a little wax sandwich by pancaking the wax with ABV on the outside. You can also use cotton but I like the taste of using ABV better.
I finally pick up an Arizer Solo and am kicking myself for waiting so long. I never go anywhere with out it now and am able to stay vaped 24/7. I usually vape about 2-3 grams of weed everyday so I have been putting the Solo through it’s paces and so far it has held up exceptionally well. I have a Pinnacle Pro too so I know what to expect from a quality handheld vaporizer and if you are looking for one more person to tell you that the Arizer Solo is the shit look no further.
Arizer Solo > Pax - Any of you idiots that are claiming that the Pax is good need to take a long look in the mirror and realize that you got fooled my marketing gimmicks. The Arizer Solo has a way better battery life and makes much better tasting vapor. The Pax tastes of plastic and cheaply made metals.