Desktop Vaporizers, powered via a cord that plugs into the wall, are by far the most powerful vaporizers on the market. They are also larger than any portable or pen-style vaporizer. The power and size allow for ceramic heating elements, fans, large digital displays, whips / balloon bags, and many other great features not present in other types of vaporizers.
Portable Vaporizers are perfect for on-the-go vaporists! These units are designed with discretion and portablity in mind. The vapor is extracted by heating elements powered by either batteries or butane oil. The best ones are designed to be quite sturdy and survive an accidental fall. Because they are so discreet, you can bring Portable Vaporizers with you to the office, the park, movie theaters, and even certain Bar Mitzvahs without having to worry about not having access to your medicine!
Pen-Style Vaporizers are compact and discreet units that generally heat up within 10 seconds. Most of these vaporizers are compatible with dry herbs, waxes or e-liquid/e-juice. They are extremely popular with users who enjoy ease of use and a portable solution for on the go use.