VaporBrothers Vaporizer Review

Posted September 13, 2013 by in Vaporizer Reviews






Total Score

8.5/ 10

Vaporizer Attributes:
Whip-Style, Hands Free, Temp Control, Desktop

Quick Review

Manufacturer: VaporBrothers

The Good:

Looks pretty cool and fits easily on a desktop or mantle. Heats up quickly and delivers thick, potent inhalations. The Hands-free whip system makes it easy to vape with friends so no one has to hold the wand while the unit is hot.

The Bad:

Doesn't have a digital temperature display, so you have to approximate temperature.

All in all an awesome vape that looks good and makes efficient use of flowers. Very easy to set up and maintain.

Full Review

As most of my colleagues know, my first experience with a vaporizer was at Burning Man on the top of an RV ripping a Magic Flight Launch Box. I took my careful slow inhalations and once I had exhaled my vapor a green neon Death Star rolled by! That’s right, the Death Star-by far the most creative and intimidating art car on the playa. I was nice and buzzed at that point but I noticed that the compact MFLB didn’t provide the mind-shattering high that I got out of my trusty bong. I told my friend who owned the RV, “this little guy is great. I definitely preferred the taste vapor to but what if I want to take rip after rip after world-rocking rip from a vaporizer?”

“Wait til we get back to default world,” my guru assured me. “I’ll show you something to rock your universe.“ 

Turns out we didn’t even need to wait til we got home from the legendary gathering. We visited another friend’s camp that evening and what was sitting in their RV? Lo and behold it was a wooden box-style vape with a ceramic heating element protruding from the center. My guru nodded and said only, “Behold the VaporBrothers Vaporizer.” I watched as the operator turned on the device using the knob on front and loaded some freshly ground herb into one end of the whip, called the wand. Once the unit beeped, he placed the wand over the ceramic element and the silicon tube, or “whip,” began to fill up with vapor.

He told me to inhale gently and slowly, which I did. The vapor tasted way better than any smoked herb I had ever tried. In fact it tasted more like the actual herb itself and not some smokey abomination. I exhaled a massive cloud of vapor and coughed a couple of times. Now this was more like it!

I have since purchased a VaporBrothers for home use and I couldn’t be more pleased. I have never had a problem getting massive knock-me-out hits and I find that it really preserves my herbal material better than any other vape. I get so many uses out of one load. And what’s more, the VaporBrothers is really group-friendly! The Hands-free whip system makes it easy to vape with friends so no one has to hold the wand while the unit is hot.

About the Author

Stephanie Bloom

Stephanie comes to us with vape expertise from across the pond. She matriculated in Dublin and moved to Chicago when she was 23. After trying out a Magic Flight Launch Box in 2011, she was converted. Stephanie enjoys exercising, dancing to thick beats, and playing board games. She now owns an MFLB and a VapirRise. Her weakness: some bald guy named Heisenberg. Stephanie's dream is to run an Ironman and then run a chain of vapor lounges worldwide.


    Lysander Hedden

    I know this is the original box style unit, but is it really better then all the other ones that have came out within the last couple of years?


      Hey there Lysander! Good question. In my opinion, VaporBrothers got it right from the get-go. I feel that this unit performs as good as or better than any other desktop vape in the ~$125 range.


    I have had mine for like three years and never had a single issue, this vape is the bees knees!


    This thing has been around forever and it still works great! I owned one years ago in college and my intoxicated roommate broke it. I finally decided to get another one and it works just as great. It’s not as modern and sleek-looking as some of the other units, like the V-Tower, but it works perfectly so I can’t complain.


      Couldn’t agree more, this vaporizer is the O.G. whip vape and has stood the test of time.

        Andy Thompson

        Yea I have never heard of anyone having a VaporBrothers die on them, over on FC you can read through like a million posts and there is almost no complaints. My buddy has had one for 3 years and it is still kicking hard.

    Kathryn Tappen

    Even though this vaporizer looks underwhelming now it is still one of the most powerful desktop whip vapes out there. They were also the first to make the wooden box style vape so it was only inevitable that people started copying the original. VaporBrothers is like an old reliable truck that just keeps dumping heavy loads of vapor day in and day out. The heating elements are really well made and flavor you get from your weed is amazing. Recommended.

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