The VaporBlunt is an established brand in the vaporizer universe and a lot of people like their 2.0 unit alot; that’s probably attributable to its large herb chamber and temperature control system. Also the VaporBlunt 2.0 Vaporizer is compatible with a water pipe adapter, essentially giving you strong vapor with the extra filtration of a bong.
The unit can also vaporize liquids as well as ground blends, thanks to the essential oil chamber which comes included with every unit. The ideal temperature for the VaporBlunt 2.0 is between 360-390 degrees Fahrenheit which is easily regulated using the five temperature presets.
The guys at VaporBlunt make their units with a fast-acting battery, capable of heating the chamber within 90 seconds. On a full charge, the internal Lithium-ion rechargeable battery supplies over two hours of continuous usage. The hits aren’t quite as robust as their newest model, the Pinnacle, and the heating chamber doesn’t vaporize as completely. This one is weird in that I found I got better results when I packed the thing really tightly. Most portables you want to keep the herb loose in the chamber to allow a more even airflow. With the VB 2.0 though, I had to pack it really tightly in order to get desired strength of hits.
Though it’s supposedly compatible with oils and liquids, I wouldn’t recommend it. The bowl has to be heated up just to get it to fit in correctly, and you don’t get the kinds of results you would want from a $150 oil vape. And although it’s supposedly portable, it’s not a complete tool because it doesn’t come with a USB or car adapter. You’ve gotta bring your wall adapter with you so it’s not ideal for road trips or concert excursions.
All in all it’s a pretty good unit, the oil chamber notwithstanding; but now that the same company has released the Pinnacle Pro at a lower price point, I think this unit’s day has come and gone; but if you want to enjoy a solid handheld vape at a bargain rate, check out our preferred vape distributor, where we bought our VaporBlunt 2.0.
The Verdict | VaporBLUNT 2.0 Vaporizer Review
VaporBlunt 2.0 is a big improvement on the original, but it still has some drawbacks. It’s bulky, hard to use with the oil chamber, and not very discreet. If you’re going to pay the bucks for this, go for the Pinnacle or Arizer Solo.