This box-style vaporizer comes in four different varieties, with a HUGE selection of styles in each variety. Classic colored prints:
"Stone" prints:
"Flame" prints:
and "Custom" prints:
Vaporizes Herbs. Costs around $130 -$200, depending on the style.
- Ridiculously easy to operate
- Ceramic heating element
- Heats in 4 mintes
The Hot Box Vaporizer is as easy and straightforward as it gets. There's a switch on the power cord that turns the unit on to the optimal vaporizing temperature. No control knob is provided; This unique vape heats up to the same temperature every single time. You'll draw your vapor through a whip-style tube like a standard tabletop vape.
Now don't think it being simple means it's cheap -- It's extremely reliable, with a ceramic heating element (which generally signifies high quality). There's a tale that Hot Box (the company) has had a classic hot box turned on at their HQ for 8 years straight, except one day when the power went out. Now that's reliable!
Check out our Hot Box Vaporizer Review on